Today I will hand in my final music growth assignment. I recorded my video last night and was pleased with it. This song was fun to learn and I really loved it. I think I was able to play each note well and they sounded less squeaky than when I had first started. Overall, this assignment gave me a good idea of what it was like to learn how to play the recorder. I learnt that I overshot my abilities for the first midterm which caused a lot of frustration. I had much less motivation to learn how to play those songs than I did with this one.  I think that I should have assessed myself better in the beginning before choosing my songs. It was interesting because when I was practicing Jingle Bells without recording, I was able to play it with almost no mistakes, however, when I started recording it was very difficult getting through the entire song without causing any squeaks or playing the wrong note. The notes C and D were the most confusing as I would mix them up often due to their similar fingering. This assignment was a valuable learning experience and I would like to continue playing the recorder even once this class is over!


The link to my music video

Music Video – Jingle Bells